When we talk to customers, the top priority item on their list 9 out of 10 times is to do more with less. Operations teams are forced to confront:
- Growing networks
- Greater complexity with 5G, SDN-NFV, and Cloud
- Growing alarm and data volume by magnitudes
- Expectation of better service with quicker delivery to end customers
- Shrinking budgets for operations teams
All while faced with stagnant or reduced headcount in operations.
Contact UsAutomation is the Key to doing More with Less
At the core of AccuOSS is our automation background across service assurance and service fulfillment. AccuOSS will work with you to find economical and supportable options to automate manual work across your assurance practice.
AccuOSS can bring to bear a mixture of COTS tools, workflow expertise and proprietary IP to deliver automation opportunities to your operations. Here are some examples where we’ve helped customers find automation solutions to their repetitive and manual tasks:
- Cross-Domain Correlation
- Inventory Mediation and Surrogation
- Auto-Ticketing
- Auto-Remediation
- Auto-Provisioning
If you’d like to explore automation opportunities within your service operations, please contact us by clicking the link below.